A tidy workplace; why is it so important and how do you ensure it?

A (home) workplace is so much more than just a place to work. It is a space where dreams are pursued, creativity flourishes and deadlines are met. We think we don't really need to emphasize the value of a tidy workplace; you probably already know that ;-). In this blog, we describe what a tidy desk brings you , give you tidying tips and share a number of handy and stylish products that contribute to a tidy workplace ! Read on quickly.

Why is a tidy workplace so important?

A tidy desk is like a blank canvas, ready to be filled with your ideas and inspiration. It creates an environment where you can easily focus on your tasks , without the distractions of clutter. Keeping your desk organized can help you work more efficiently and simply get more done in a day. In industry jargon, we call that: increasing your productivity.

A tidy desk means less stress and more satisfaction

Imagine this: instead of searching for that one pen among a pile of papers, you can get straight to work on your tasks. A tidy desk not only reduces physical clutter, but also mental clutter. It ensures that you get more peace in that upstairs room because the number of stimuli is reduced. And we can all use that, right?! The less stimuli, the less stress... That's as clear as a sugar cube ;-).

Your workplace as an oasis of inspiration

The fact that you are on our site means that you probably value a beautiful workspace. Then you probably also find that a tidy desk can serve as a source of inspiration. With an uncluttered environment around you, you can better focus on your creative projects and be inspired by the beauty of your surroundings. Whether it is beautiful notebooks, handy planners, elegant pens or stylish organizers, our stationery collection can help you transform your workspace into an oasis of creativity.

Your desk contributes to your professional appearance

Last but not least, a tidy desk not only shows that you are organized, but also that you value your work and your workspace. It gives a professional image, even if you work from home. With a nicely decorated and tidy desk, you can confidently perform your work and leave a positive impression on others.

How to keep your workspace tidy? Desk tidying tips

So, now that we’ve emphasized the value of tidying up, let’s move on to the question: How?! We won’t leave you hanging with that question: The Perfect Desk to the rescue!

7 tips for a tidy desk

  1. Start with a clear desk: Clear everything off your desk and make a fresh start. This will give you a fresh base to work from.
  2. Sort your stuff: Divide all your stuff into categories, such as pens , papers, notebooks , etc. This will help you get organized and decide what to keep, throw away, or put away.
  3. Minimize: Be critical about what you really need on your desk. Try to get rid of unnecessary items or store them in drawers or organizers.
  4. Use storage solutions: Invest in handy (and pretty ;-)) storage solutions such as drawers, bins, baskets and organizers to keep your things tidy. Think of a pen tray , a letter tray for incoming and outgoing mail , and drawer dividers for papers .
  5. Take advantage of vertical space: Hang shelves or wall organizers above your desk to create extra storage space for books, folders, and decorative items.
  6. Give everything a fixed place: Assign each category of items a fixed place on your desk or in your storage solutions. That way you always know where to find something and you avoid clutter.
  7. Clean up regularly: Take time daily or weekly to clean up your desk and put everything back in its place. This will help you keep the clutter under control and prevent it from becoming chaotic again.

Your Perfect Desk with this habit

If you followed the above tips, you now have this basic in order ;-). But we don't stop there with our tips. We would like to give you the following tidying habit (is that a word? Yes, it is a word!) We advise you to take a few minutes every day, before you leave your workstation, to tidy up your desk. Here's how to do it:

  1. Set an alarm: Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to remind you to clean your desk at the end of each workday.

  2. Declutter: Take a few minutes to put away everything you used that day on your desk and return it to its place. Throw away trash and put used items back in their drawers or organizers.

  3. Clear your digital workspace: Close all unnecessary programs and documents on your computer and organize your digital files as needed. A tidy digital workspace also contributes to a sense of order and calm.

  4. Get ready for tomorrow : Take some time to prepare for the next day. Make a to-do list or planner for the next day and prepare any necessary documents or materials so you can hit the ground running the next morning.

By practicing this simple habit daily, you will find that you end your day not only organized, but also tidy, helping you to start the next day with a fresh start.

A tidy desk with The Perfect Desk

Well, that's it. All our tidying wisdom 'crammed' into this blog. Do you have any tips? Or are we missing organizers or other products in our shop that you think we REALLY MUST HAVE?! We'd love to hear from you!